Monthly Membership

Your investment in the monthly membership package

  • Reserves your mat space at weekly live, online classes, delivered via Zoom, along with access to replays within two working days of the live classes in The Club Library.
  • Access to the growing Club resource library of yoga classes as it develops from Summer 2024.
  • Access to the community membership space.

My commitment.

I will provide weekly live, on line classes at the time and place designated over a minimum of 48 weeks of the year.  This excludes any classes falling on Christmas or Boxing Day. For the remaining four weeks pre-recorded classes will be made available.

Dates and joining details for classes will be published in the Library and also within the community space.  Replays will be posted into the Club Library within two working days.

I will ensure that the meeting access links are updated on the Library pages on a monthly basis, and in good time for classes to commence.

Where I am not able to teach a class in person, I will ensure that there is appropriate cover from a qualified and experienced yoga teacher, or that a new class is posted in the Library ahead of the designated class time.

I will ensure that our community space remains a safe area.  Members agree to use the space in line with yogic principles, and I reserve the right to withdraw any members who continue to post harmful or inappropriate content.  This is to preserve the safety of all members.

I will ensure that any information I hold about you is held securely in line with my privacy policy.

Your membership can be cancelled or paused at any time at your request.  Pauses will not be for less than one month or for more than three without prior agreement.  Please contact me at if you need to discuss this.

Your commitment

Payment of your agreed membership fee each calendar month is in advance to reserve your membership.  In the unlikely event that there are problems with payment e.g. insufficient funds available, a small administration fee of £5 will be payable to cover associated costs, where this happens on more than one occasion.

You agree to uphold the principles and values of The Club as outlined in the Library space and Terms and Conditions.

In the event of non -payment, I will initially contact you to resolve any genuine errors but in the event that payment is not received, membership to the Club will be withdrawn, and the party(ies) in question will no longer be able to access Club resources.


My Commitment

All courses will be offered in line with the descriptions on the website and in any promotional materials.  I will ensure that the material presented in all courses is offered in good faith, up to date and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Where courses use blended learning models, participants will receive dates for the live online classes at the beginning of the course.  This is to allow planning and forward booking.  Participants are asked to attend the live class if at all possible. Replays will be made available within 2 working days via the course web site.

Where access to a course is time limited e.g. six months access this will be made clear prior to purchase.

Your commitment

Course and membership fees will be payable in advance unless otherwise stated.  

You agree that online courses offer the advantage of maximum flexibility in learning and allow participants to learn at their own pace.  It is the participants responsibility to complete the course within the given timeframe.  Where changes in life circumstances genuinely challenge this, for example, severe injury or ill health, changes in carer responsibilities or bereavement, the participant can contact Clare directly at to agree a new completion schedule.

Applicable to All Offers

All fees are non-transferable and non-refundable. Once purchased, memberships cannot be exchanged for other products offered by The Club or Yoga by Clare.  

Participants in The Club and in courses  are responsible for their own practice and using the classes and resources wisely.  Where there are ongoing or new symptoms or health issues, participants are strongly advised to seek medical advice and Yoga by Clare.

By participating in  The Horse Lover’s Yoga Club or any other courses and classes offered by Yoga by Clare, you agree to indemnify  Clare Hodgson from any liability, losses, damages or expense arising out of your participation in them and you agree that the participant assumes the risk of the yoga practise and releases Clare Hodgson from any liability claims.

Participation in  The Horse Lover’s Yoga Club or any other courses and classes offered by Yoga by Clare, indicate your agreement with membership rules, terms and conditions that apply.